Thinking about an ADU? Schedule your personal consultation

CalHFA’s $40K ADU Grant Program

Earlier this fall we shared with you about CalHFA’s new ADU grant program which can help eligible homeowners with some of your ADU costs. Learn more here!

Napa Sonoma ADU in the News & Napa ADU numbers rising

The Napa Sonoma ADU Center was featured in the news recently, and more importantly, the article highlights the excellent news that ADU numbers have continued to increase over the past years across multiple Napa jurisdictions.

Efforts to ease Accessory Dwelling Unit building process continue in Napa County

By Edward Booth, Napa Valley Register This Spring, the Napa Valley Register did a deep dive into ongoing efforts in Napa County to foment ADU development and support local homeowners. Here are some snippets from the article; click here to read the full article. “[E]asing approval of permit applications doesn’t help residents figure out if […]

NEW ADU Laws Coming in Jan 2023

Four new ADU bills going into effect in January 2023 will make it easier to build an accessory dwelling unit throughout the state.

Appeal of San Francisco North Bay ‘granny flats’ grows, but challenges to build them remain

Granny flats have evolved from makeshift additions for an older relative to live out her days to stylish dwellings that could win architectural and design awards.

 No longer are these units inhabited just by a certain age group either. That’s because in addition to people constructing accessory dwelling units for family, they are being built as a revenue source for their owners.

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