Thinking about an ADU? Schedule your personal consultation

Local ADU Rules

City of Rohnert Park

Last Updated September 13, 2024

ADU Contact:

Susan Azevedo,
Jenna Garcia,

Zones allowed

Residential and Mixed Use, must meet certain requirements

Lot Restrictions


Minimum Lot Size


Min/Max ADU Size

Minimum: None
JADU: 500 sq ft
Studio/1bedroom ADU: 850 sq ft
2 bedrooms or more: 1,000 sq ft
Attached ADUs: should not exceed 50% of existing square footage

ADU Building Height

Detached: ADUs may not exceed 16′ except in these instances:
An ADU may be built up to 18′ if the ADU is created on a lot within one-half mile walking distance of a major transit stop or a high quality transit corridor, and may be up to 20′ if necessary to accommodate a roof pitch on the ADU that is aligned with the roof pitch of the primary dwelling unit. A Detached ADU may be up to 18′ if on a lot with an existing or proposed multifamily dwelling unit with more than one story above grade.

Attached: ADUs may be up to 25′ or the height limit of the underlying zoning, whichever is lower. An Attached ADU may not exceed two stories.


4 ft rear setbacks and 4 ft side setbacks

Parking Requirements


Owner Occupancy

Required for JADUs only.

Sample fees from recent permits

600 SF Detached Conversion: $571 Detached Dwelling Unit Fee
*Fees are specific to each project and will vary. Fees change regularly. These are provided as examples only.

Other requirements

Deed Restriction – ADU unit cannot be sold separately from main dwelling, cannot be used as a short-term rental
For JADUs, deed restriction includes owner occupancy of either main dwelling unit or JADU
Must have an egress entry/exit
Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems may be required if a fire sprinkler system is required in the primary dwelling unit.
Utility/connection fees only charged when in conjunction with new single family dwelling unit


Ministerial approval process with completed applications considered within 60 days. Planning, Building, Engineering and Public Safety divisions will review and provide comments. Only after all comments have been addressed will a Certificate of Zoning Compliance be issued.
Disclaimer: standards and process may vary. Consultation with the contact is recommended before starting any project.


Wondering what you can build?

Make sure you check out our Learning the Rules page for more step-by-step details

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